25 Feb

Local council mayors can earn good money these days. I remember when being mayor of a town was a voluntary role and an honour, although whether they were effective is another matter.

Surely, it’s right that the “chief executive” of a council with a budget to manage is regarded as a professional who should be paid.

This has been the case for many years in the UK, and also in Spain. Councillors/elected members are also remunerated for their time, even though most of them are part-time.

[Map courtesy of Wikimedia Commons]

Spain in 2023

The data for 2023 have recently been made known. The highest-earning mayor in Spain is in Madrid, followed by Barcelona, Bilbao, San Sebastian, Vitoria, Valencia and Sevilla.

These salaries are controlled, with a maximum amount allowed depending on the size of the population.

The mayor of Madrid since 2019, is 49-year-old José Luis Martínez-Almeida Navasqüés, a lawyer, representing the Partido Popular (PP). His salary is 108,517 €.

The mayor of Sevilla, the largest city in Andalucia and the region’s capital, is José Luis Sanz Ruiz of the Partido Popular. He is the 7th highest paid mayor, earning 92,440€.

Madrid Mayor José Luis Martínez-Almeida          

Malaga Mayor Francisco de la Torre

[Both photos: Mayors of Europe]

In 8th position is the mayor of Malaga, Francisco de la Torre, also PP, who earns 90,815€. 

The mayoress of Ronda, another PP politician, María de la Paz Fernández, earns 57,418€.

Montejaque mayor, PP, Diego Sánchez Sánchez pockets a cool 32,806€.  

Ronda Mayoress, María de la Paz Fernández [SUR in English]  

Montejaque Mayor Diego Sánchez Sánchez

In contrast, the mayor of Estepona, J M García Urbano, has opted not to draw a salary.The mayor of Almogía, Antonio García, PSOE, claims just 900€.

Well ….. ?

Should we pay our local politicians? On balance, I think we should. Otherwise you only get people who are rich enough to do the job voluntarily. That means you must be excluding a lot of talented folk.

In Spain, a lot of the old mayors have been cleared out, investigated for corruption and some have gone to gaol. Quite right too.

A former mayor of Ronda, where I live, was investigated for corruption and found guilty. Before he could start his prison sentence, he died. RIP Antonio Marin Lara (PSOE) known as “Toti”.

Former Ronda mayor Antonio Lara [CharryTV]      

A former mayor of Montejaque, where I am empadronado, was ousted for alleged corruption. The case against Miguel Alza (PSOE), who was mayor for 16 years, was not proven, and has been filed (archivado). 

Nowadays he can be seen driving the municipal “dupe” (dumper truck).   

Former Montejaque Mayor Miguel Alza [Diario Ronda]

© Pablo de Ronda


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Ayuntamiento de Montejaque, Charry TV, Diario Ronda, Mayors of Europe, SUR in English, Wikimedia Commons


Antonio García, Antonio Marin Lara, archivado, Ayuntamiento de Montejaque, Barcelona, Bilbao, Charry TV, “chief executive”, councillors, council mayors, Diario Ronda, Diego Sánchez Sánchez, driving the municipal “dupe”, dumper truck, elected members, filed, former mayor of Montejaque, former mayor of Ronda, Francisco de la Torre, gone to gaol, highest-earning mayor in Spain, investigated for corruption, José Luis Martínez-Almeida Navasqüés, José Luis Sanz Ruiz, J M García Urbano, largest city in Andalucia, Madrid, María de la Paz Fernández, mayoress of Ronda, mayor for 16 years, mayor of Almogía, mayor of Estepona, mayor of Madrid, mayor of Malaga, mayor of Sevilla, mayors have been cleared out, Mayors of Europe, Miguel Alza, Montejaque, not proven, Pablo de Ronda, PP, Partido Popular, PSOEpart-time, Paul Whitelock, professional, San Sebastian, Sevilla, Spain, SUR in English,  “Toti”, Valencia, Vitoria, voluntary role, Wikimedia Commons, Wikipedia

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