Whilst we're on the subject of toilets .....

Whilst we're on the subject of toilets .....



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Take aim, gentlemen .....

Take aim, gentlemen .....


“Mea con gusto, mea contento, pero si te pido que mees por dentro.” [Pee happily, pee with joy, but, please, I beg you, pee in the bowl!] - Anon

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Mother Theresa of Calcutta

Mother Theresa of Calcutta


“A veces sentimos que lo que hacemos es tan solo una gota en el mar, pero el mar sería menos si le faltara una gota.” - Mother Theresa of Calcutta [Sometimes we feel that what we do is nothing more than a drop in the ocean, but the ocean would be diminished if a drop were missing.]

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Sayeth the wise man .....

Sayeth the wise man .....


"THE WISE MAN SAYS: Defend yourself with a smile, attack with silence and conquer with indifference."

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Jesus is risen

Jesus is risen


Easter Sunday - Jesus ascends into heaven. [Image courtesy of Reader's Digest]

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Wise words

Wise words


"There is only one certainty in life and that is that nothing is certain." - G.K. Chesterton

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On Easter eggs

On Easter eggs


Tee, hee, hee ....! [Image courtesy of Good Housekeeping magazine]

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"The great gift of Easter is hope." - Basil Hume, late Catholic Archbishop of Westminster

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Beer after wine? Uh-oh!

Beer after wine? Uh-oh!


“Bier auf Wein, das lass sein. Wein auf Bier, das rate ich dir.“ [Beer on top of wine, leave it be. Wine on top of beer, I can recommend.] [Note: Julie Wilkinson has offered a neat little rhyme in English with a similar meaning: "Beer before wine is fine; wine before beer is queer."]

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Think positively!

Think positively!


“La mente que se abre a una nueva idea, jamás volverá a su tamaño original.” [Anon.] [The mind that opens up to new ideas will never go back to its original size.]

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On giving up/taking up smoking

On giving up/taking up smoking


“I have overcome my will power and taken up smoking again.” [Mark Twain]

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How to  think, live, give advice and dream .....

How to think, live, give advice and dream .....


“Piensa como adulto, vive como joven, aconseja como anciano Y nunca dejes de soñar como niño.” [Think like an adult, live life like a youngster, give advice like an old person but never stop dreaming like a child.]

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The German philosopher with the amazing moustache has it right!

The German philosopher with the amazing moustache has it right!


"The advantage of having a bad memory is that you can enjoy the same things over and over again!"

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At breakfast in Hotel Berlanga, Ronda

At breakfast in Hotel Berlanga, Ronda


"When it's obvious that you cannot achieve your aims, don't alter your aims, alter the steps you take to get there."

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Typical wit from W C Fields!

Typical wit from W C Fields!


"I spent half my money on gambling, alcohol and wild women. The other half I wasted!" - W C Fields

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Summer opening hours

Summer opening hours


"We open when we get here, we close when we leave. If you come and we're not here, then we just haven't coincided."

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An anonymous Spanish truth

An anonymous Spanish truth


If you get rid of all your fears, you'll have more space in which to live all your dreams.

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How true!

How true!


“Happy wife, happy life.”

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Fresh from the Churreria this morning

Fresh from the Churreria this morning


La educación no es la respuesta a la pregunta. La educación es el medio para encontrar la respuesta a todas las preguntas. [Education is not the answer to the question. Education is the means of finding the answer to all questions] - William Allin

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Catching birds and bonking not allowed

Catching birds and bonking not allowed


„Das Fangen von Schmetterlingen und Vögeln im Buro ist verboten!“ [Catching butterflies and birds in the office is prohibited (Vögeln, as well as being the plural form of the German word for bird, is also a slang word for “screwing” or “bonking”).]

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A Groucho Marx classic quote

A Groucho Marx classic quote


“Hijo mío, la felicidad está hecha de pequeñas cosas. Un pequeño yate, una pequeña mansión, una pequeña fortuna …..” [My friend, happiness is brought about by small things: a small yacht, a small mansion, a small fortune.....]

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Carelessness or dementia?

Carelessness or dementia?


Has it ever happened to you, that you were looking for a pencil and it was in your hand all the time? Well, a similar thing happens with happiness.

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A German saying

A German saying


„Widersprich niemals eine Frau. Warte bis sie es selber tut.“ [Never contradict a woman. Wait till she does it herself!]

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Quote from the incomparable Hollywood actress MAE WEST

Quote from the incomparable Hollywood actress MAE WEST


"You only live once. But if you do it well, once is enough."

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Local saying

Local saying


¡No te quites el sayo hasta el 40 de mayo! [Similar to : Cast ne'er a clout, till may be out.] - BTW, may does not refer to the month of May, but the may blossom.

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